Visual code Studio
VS code studio is an editor .It support for development operations like task running ,debugging ,and version controls. It provides the tools for a quick code debug cycle .It leaves more complex workflows to featured ID's , and these ID's known as VS code Studio.
VS code studio is an editor. It is easy to use and it is a clever coder by HTML .We create our Web Pages by using Visual Code Studio.
How to we use Visual Code Studio:
- Firstly to make a new folder on desktop.
- Then name them this folder any name which you like.
- Open Visual Code Studio .
- Then go on file button on VS code then open workplace from file , and attach your folder with VS.
- Otherwise click the button of add folder.
- Then one message will be come like are u agree with this we click on agree button .
- View your HTML file on Browser.
- And then we start our project on VS code Studio.
HTML Shortcut Template:
Its a HTML shortcut Template .
Some Boiler Plates of HTML:
- <html> tag
- <head> tag
- <tittle>HELO WORD<tittle>
- Then head close braces </head>
- Then start from body tag <body> we write all data in body .and then close the body like </body>
LIKE ....,
Now start HTML coding on VS code Studio
What is HTML :
- HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
- HTML describes the structure of a Web page
- HTML consists of a series of elements
- HTML label pieces of content are "this is a heading", "this a paragraph", "this is a link".
- HTML tells the browser how to display the contents.

How to create Web Page with using HTML:
- Create a Layout. .
- Set up the boiler code as i discuss in upper.
- Create major elements in the layout.
- Create HTML contents.
- Create CSS for the layout.
- Create CSS to style individual elements.
- Add background color and style.
Simple HTML CODE is here:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>
Example Explained
- The <DOCTYPE html> defines that this content is an HTML document.
- The <html> is the element that define the root of an HTML page .
- The <head> the meta information about HTML page.
- The <tittle> is the tittle for the HTML page .(Which shows in the Browser title bar on the web page).
- The <body> defines the document body and it is the container of all the visible contents
1. such as heading
2. paragraphs
3. images
4. tables, list etc..,
- The <h1> tag defines a large heading .
- The <p> Defines a paragraph.
Why we use heading tag in HTML:
Header tags ,also known as heading tags, which are used to separate headings and subheadings.
it starts with <h1>and close with </h1> tag and heading tag end with <h6></h6> tag which is smaller then the (h1)
Why we use paragraph tag in HTML:
Paragraph tag is use to write a paragraph. Some more tags are use to make our paragraph easy to understand like to break a paragraph , to horizontal Rules, Poem problems etc.
Tag Description
<p> Defines a paragraph.
<hr> Define a thematic change in the content.
<br> Insert a single line break.
<pre> Defines pre-formatted text.
We also change our text color and text background color. We style our content through CSS.
HTML Styles
The HTML style attribute is used to add styles , such as color, font ,size etc.
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