
My second Lecture


                                        Hyper Text Markup Language

What is HTML?

  • HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
  • HTML describes the structure of a Web page
  • HTML consists of a series of elements
  • HTML label pieces of content are "this is a heading", "this a paragraph", "this is a link".
  • HTML tells the browser how to display the contents.

Some element are used in it:

For example :

                   1. Heading 

                   2. Paragraph

                   3. Images 

                   4. Tables 

                   5. List etc.

Now we discuss about tags/elements here.

  • Heading
  • Paragraph
  • Font tag
  • Header tag
  • HR tag
  • Italic ta
  • HTML size
  • HTML color etc..

What is heading?

Header tags ,also known as heading tags, which are used to separate headings and starts with <h1>and close with </h1> tag and heading tag end with <h6></h6> tag which is smaller then the  (h1)  tag.

Why we use heading tag in HTML:

We use heading tag because we change the  font of all heading . and to  separate the heading and subheading.
like ...,

Firstly I discuss about how to write the heading and then what the output will come.


This is the way to write the heading in html.

And then the output will be.

What is Paragraph?

Paragraph tag is use to write a paragraph. Some more tags are use to make our paragraph easy to understand like to break a paragraph , to horizontal Rules, Poem problems etc.

paragraph is written by <p>and it close with </p>

  •                                                          <p>any content</p>

and then the output will be:

We write paragraph like :

If we write random content then we write leorim in the paragraph.
If we want to write 50 loriem words in paragraph then we write lorium50 in between paragraph then we gives 50 words in paragraph. like this:          
  •                                                                    <p>Loreim10</p>.

And the output will be:

Now we discuss about all these tag ,what are these tags and we used these tag and how we use these tags. These all tags are also known as elements of html.

What is font tag?

The font tag in HTML plays an important role in:

  • readable
  • creative 
  • effective 
  • and attractive web pages

The font tag in HTML is used inside the <body>.

The font tag in HTML is used to set the font:

  • size
  • color
  • and face of the text in an HTML document .

Why we use color font in html?

We used to specify the text color inside the font element. We use font color like this:

Attribute value: color name:

                                               It sets the text color by using color name .

For example:

  •                     "red", "yellow", orange etc.

font tag is written as :

  •  <font ></font>

Font color tag:

font color is written as :

  • <font>

            <p style="color: red">This is a paragraph.</p>

            <p style="color: yellow">This is a paragraph.</p>



then the output is:


Font size tag:

  •            <p style="font-size:30px">This is a paragraph.</p>
  •            <p style="font-size:11px">This is another paragraph.</p>

with this tag we write content in any size .

then the output will be:

Italic tag/ BOLD tag:

  • italic tag      <i></i>
  • underline tag   <u></u>
  • bold tag          <b></b>

The content inside typically displayed in italic.

  •             <p><i><u><b>Lorem ipsum</u></i></b> This is a paragraph .</p>

For all tags: 


And then the output is:

What is hr tag and why we used it?

The <hr> tag in  HTML stands for horizontal rule we used hr tag to insert  a horizontal rule or line or a thematic break in an HTML page to divide or separate document sections.

And the output is:

Practice Project:

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