
Seventh Lecture


                                                    Hyper Text Markup Language

What is a form tag in html?

The Form tag i HTML is used to create a form on a webpage. It allows users to input data,

such as:

  • Text
  • checkboxes,
  • Radio buttons
  • Submit buttons.

The form tag is used to group and organized form  elements.

How to use the Form Tag?

To use the Form tag in HTML, you can enclose the form  elements within the opening and closing form tags.

For Example:

Here is &nbsp is used for a  one gap/distance in it.

Then the output will be:

What is a Field set in HTML?

A field set in HTML is used to group related form elements together and create a visual grouping or container for them.

Then the output will be:

Field set means the content in a box like this output.

What is a legend tag in HTML?

The legend tag in HTML is used to provide a caption and description for the content within a field set element. The text within the legend tag is typically displayed as a heading or tittle above the form elements enclosed within the field set.

For example:

Then the output will be:

like this.

We also study the anchor tags with anchor tag we also make a tittle bar which is menue bar of any website like :

  • home
  • about us
  • contact us etc..

with using the anchor tag.

We only make a different files of home,  about us, contact us and we also link these file with each other.

For Example:

Firstly we make a first make which is having a menu bar which is home ,contact us ,and about us.

then the output will be:

Home page file:

Then the out put will be;

And other files like contact us and about is same like these .

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