
Sixth Lecture

                                                          Hyper Text And Markup Language

 What is Video Auto Play?

The HTML  <video> auto play attribute is used to specify that the video will play automatically after loading the web page.

What is Auto Play on video?

The auto play feature on You Tube makes it easier to decide what to watch next play automatically after loading the web page.

How to use the auto play tag?

What is  audio tag in html?

An audio Tag in HTML is used  to embed audio content on a webpage. It allows you to play audio files directly on  the webpage.

The syntax of Audio Tag?

Then the output is:

What is Marquee Tag ?
The Marquee tag in HTML is used to create scrolling text or image on a webpage. Its a fun way to add movement to our website.
How we use Marquee tag?
To use marquee tag in HTML, we can wrap our content within the opening and closing marquee tag  for example

                                                    <marquee> this will scroll horizontally </marquee>

We can also customize the behavior of the marquee tag by using attributes such as 
  • Direction ,
  • Scroll amount,
  • Behavior.
How we use Direction , Scroll Amount and Behavior in a marquee tag?
To use the direction, scroll amount, and behavior attributes in the marquee tag, you can add them as attributes within the opening marquee tag. Here's an example:

<marquee direction="left" scroll amount="5" behavior="scroll">This text will scroll from left to right with a speed of 5 pixels</marquee>

In this example, the direction attribute is set to "left" to make the text scroll from left to right. The 
scroll amount attribute is set to "5" to control the speed of scrolling, and the behavior attribute is set to "scroll" to make the text continuously scroll. You can adjust these values based on your desired scrolling effect

Then the output will be:

Another Example is:

Try it and show what's the output:

What is an Anchor tag?

The anchor tag in HTML, also known as the <a> tag, is used to create hyperlinks or links to other web pages or resources. It allows you  to navigate between different webpages or sections within a page.

How to use the anchor tag?

To use the Anchor tag in HTML, we can wrap the text or image that you want to turn into a link within the opening and closing anchor tags. 

                                                                    <a href=""></a>

We use it firstly we copy the link of any website like YouTube or Facebook then add this link in the anchor tag .

For example:

Then the output will be:

When we click on these images then we goes to these links.

                                                              Ok you make a website through these anchor tag

                                                                            and also use the video tag and

                                                                    audio player in and also use the images in it.

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